Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Little Helpers

One of the best parts of having your own blog is letting people get to know you and introducing them to the parts of your life that may not otherwise be seen. This blog post is dedicated to "my little helpers" who silently keep me company as I create each piece of jewelry. They keep me cheerful during my downtime between my part time job, which I'm not so enthusiastic about, and creating jewelry, which I love.

This adorable little guy is Rocky. He's a 10 year old Yorkshire Terrier. Although not a huge fan of the sound of my hammer and anvil, he patiently sits and sleeps near me while I create each piece of jewelry.

This pretty lady is Abby. She's a 16 year old tabby cat. She and the dog do not get along ;) She keeps me calm and reminds me to share love where love is needed. 

This gorgeous guy is Irwin. He's about to turn 3 years old! I know most people won't be as fond of his beautiful face as I am, but I couldn't leave him out. He's simply a wonderful pet and a part of my little family! If it makes any of you feel better, he never comes in contact with any of my jewelry creations ;) 

Well, that's all for today! Now you know some of the creatures that make me smile each day!
Thanks for reading :)
