Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Antiquing My Jewelry Pieces

It's that time again! Yes, I know you were all waiting anxiously for a new blog post from yours truly ;)

I want to show you a little bit about what goes into making my jewelry. Many steps are involved and I perform each one with care so I can provide you with the perfect pieces of jewelry. Today I want to talk about how I add the beautiful antique-like patina to my copper and sterling silver pieces.

First I create a piece of jewelry. In this case it's my lovely scroll link copper bracelet. At this point I have put in approximately 75 minutes to create this particular design.

After my piece of jewelry is completed in its naked copper form I prepare the patina gel solution. I use stabilized liver of sulfur which is a pungent rotten-egg-smelling dark liquid. The liver of sulfur is mixed with hot water to create the lemon yellow liquid below.

After cleaning the copper to remove any dirt and oils from the creation process I dip it into the liver of sulfur solution.

After just a few moments the copper turns black. The copper has been rapidly oxidized.

To halt the oxidation process I dip the piece into a solution of baking soda and water. Once it dries off I use steel wool to polish the copper and remove much of the black oxidation. The steel wool does not reach into the crevices which leaves slight oxidation in certain areas. This gives the copper depth and adds interest. I personally prefer the look of antiqued copper over naked copper, although both are truly beautiful.

After painstakingly polishing each piece to leave just the right amount of patina (oxidation) I spray on lacquer to protect the copper for the future. After drying for several hours the piece is finished! In total I have put in about 95 minutes just for this one piece of jewelry, not including the time spent waiting for the piece to dry.

Follow the link below to find the finished antiqued copper scroll link bracelet in my etsy shop.

If any of you out there are metal-workers and haven't tried using liver of sulfur yet, I recommend it! It's fun! I have fond memories of art class as a child in grade school with the best art teacher ever, Mr. C. I remember a specific project where we had to press designs into thick copper foil, color it black with stinky rotten-egg-smelling yellow liquid, and brush off the black in certain areas with steel wool. Today I now know that the foul smelling liquid was liver of sulfur and the blackened areas on the copper was oxidation caused by the sulfur. I still use this same technique today to add depth and interest to my pieces. Thanks, Mr. C, for that lesson all those years ago.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Featured Designers: Roberta and Leah of The Kiawah Collection

Hello again!

First I'd like to say thank you to those of you out there who are reading my blog. I wan't sure how it would go, but you have helped me gain confidence about it!

The featured designers today are Roberta and Leah of the Kiawah Collection. These two ladies, a mother and daughter team, do beautiful work! 

Their jewelry, made from materials like sterling silver, brass, aluminum, copper, and 14K gold filled wire, is a mixture of beautiful swirls, curlicues, and spirals. Two of their many wonderful pieces have special meaning for me. A couple weeks ago Roberta ordered a pair of my earrings which seem to have inspired her daughter, Leah. Roberta sent me the following two pictures of jewelry her daughter made after she saw my earrings. Knowing that my work has inspired someone is an awesome feeling. If these pieces weren't impressive enough, Leah is only 15 years old! I think she is well on her way to being a very successful jewelry designer! Great job, Leah!

The beautiful butterfly wire ring. It is available on Etsy and they will even customize your order! Click here to see this ring in their Etsy shop! So cute!

The copper and turquoise heart earrings. These lovely earrings are also available for sale in their Etsy shop, click here!

You can find The Kiawah Collection on Etsy at and also on Facebook at Stop by today! :D

Aside from making wonderful jewelry, Roberta has been helping me a lot with making my business more successful. I consider her as one of my mentors. Just a few conversations with her have already increased my sales and statistics on Etsy. Thank you so much, Roberta! 

Because I'd like to help others the way Roberta has helped me I'll share some of the useful tools that have been shared with me. First is an Etsy blog about how to get found in search After applying the ideas in that blog article I've already noticed a big difference in the traffic through my Etsy shop. Give it a try! Second is another Etsy blog about reevaluating your prices While I haven't implemented this one quite yet, I will be doing so soon. I have realized that in my own pricing formulas I've forgotten to pay myself! This blog article will definitely help you out if you're in the same boat I was! If you have an Etsy shop I urge you to follow what these two blog articles say. It will help you so much!

It was brought to my attention that leaving a comment here on this blog can be a bit tricky. To leave a comment it looks like you have to have an account with Google, LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad, AIM, or OpenID. Once you have one of these accounts then you can post comments with ease :) Good luck!

Thanks for reading :D

KariLu Jewelry Designs

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Featured Designer: Julie of Copar Aingeal

Now that you all know a little about me I'd like to introduce you to some of my fellow artisans. Now and then I'm going to introduce you to some of my colleagues who have helped me grow as a designer through inspiration and moral support.

Julie of Copar Aingeal is my first featured designer. I fell in love with her work a while ago and when we met by chance on an Etsy discussion board, I couldn't help but gush about her work.

One of her pieces in particular really makes my jaw drop. Her Gemstone Sparrow Necklace is just gorgeous! Follow this link to find the sparrow necklace in her Etsy shop.

Gemstone Sparrow Necklace by Copar Aingeal

You can also find Copar Aingeal on Facebook: click here. If you have some time stop by and show her some love!

On the docket for next time: Roberta and Leah of The Kiawah Collection. Stay tuned...

The weather here in Wisconsin is finally starting to improve. For the past week we've had temperatures close to 100 F (37 C). This morning when I got up to let the doggy do his business it was below 70 degrees! It's finally enjoyable to be outside again :)

Also this morning I sent a package off to Sydney, Australia! Most of my sales come from here in the United States, but once in a while I get to send items overseas. "M" is a 3rd time returning customer, and I'm very thankful for her support. I also love our conversations each time she orders. Thanks, M!

This year my family has been experimenting with organic gardening and last night we reaped our first rewards! I know it's not much so far, but I'm excited to see what the rest of the summer has in store!

The fruits of our labor! Two yellow and one green zucchini squash! Yum!

Thanks everyone! Enjoy your Saturday!

KariLu Jewelry Designs

Thursday, July 5, 2012

How KariLu Jewelry Designs Began

Welcome to the KariLu Jewelry Designs blog!

My jewelry making journey began when I was just a little girl. My family was moving some of my grandmothers things and I found an old metal tin with some beautiful old buttons and beads inside. One particular blue glass bead really caught my attention. I nearly instantly strung it onto a bracelet.

That beautiful blue bead that fueled my creativity so many years ago.
I'm not sure if other people did this when they were young, but a lot of my spare time as a child was spent stringing tiny seed beads onto bracelets and necklaces in a variety of colors and patterns. I remember thinking how fun it would be to earn a living making jewelry. While I cannot yet support myself on jewelry sales alone, I feel very lucky to have fulfilled that childhood dream by making a business out of something I love.

Years later in 2008 I re-discovered those beautiful old buttons that now belong to my mother. I thought it was so sad that those beautiful buttons were to live out the rest of their existence in a dusty old box. I don't know exactly what made me decide to make earrings with those buttons, but that's where I started. I went into hyper drive pairing buttons and wrapping them with wire.

Finished pairs were starting to stack up so I decided to start selling them. My friend, Kim, and I were both ambitious entrepreneurs and jumped right into the world of Etsy. She knit and I twisted wire. I have fond memories of sitting around with Kim and our friend Laura, having crafting parties until the wee hours of the morning. Only when we were too tired to see straight did the crafting stop.

Selecting my shop name, KariLu Jewelry Designs, was easy. Ever since I can remember my most beloved family members would call me Kari Lu (short for Karissa Lu). It is a name that will forever make me feel safe and loved. I'm proud to have products that I can literally put my name on.

My first sale. These cute little pink button earrings :)
I still remember my first sale- January 20, 2010- sweet little pink star-burst vintage button earrings. From the front you would never know that they were buttons. Saying goodbye to my first pair of sold earrings was hard, but I was thrilled to know they were leaving Wisconsin for Tennessee! I sometimes wonder if Amy in Chattanooga, TN still wears them.

I played around with button bobby pins for a while too, but sales never really took off... then came the trees! I was just browsing around on the internet and came across a gorgeous tree pendant that was formed out of twisted wire. I was immediately in love, but being a poor college student, I couldn't afford to buy it. I decided to make it instead! When I was finished it looked nothing like the picture on the internet, in my opinion it was better!

One of my very first "Tree of Life" pendants. 
At the time I was a natural resource management student at the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point. As you can imagine, tree pendants at a natural resources college were a big hit! My friends, coworkers, and classmates really seemed to like my trees so I decided to add them to my Etsy shop as well.

Sales were still slow in my Etsy shop, but I happily plugged away creating new jewelry each day. One day out of the blue a woman from California ordered all five of the "Tree of Life" pendants I had available and still wanted more. Needless to say, I was thrilled and got to work on her additional pieces right away!

These earrings are an example of my jewelry designs today.
While I love each piece I make, these special hoop
earrings are some of my favorites. 
Slowly I began to bend and twist wire into new and interesting shapes, teaching myself as I went. I started experimenting with different gauges of wire, and adding semi-precious stones to pieces. I acquired new sizes and shapes of pliers and hammers, I added sterling silver wire to my arsenal of materials, and began using liver of sulfur patina gel to give my pieces an antique feeling.

Over time my jewelry designs have improved and refined, but they still come from the same place in my heart. I put as much love into the pieces I create today as I put into those cute little button earrings years ago.

The support of my family has been wonderful. Every time I turn around I find a loved one wearing some of my jewelry. I want to thank each and every one of my family members and friends for helping me make KariLu Jewelry Designs a success!

Thanks for reading everyone :)

KariLu Jewelry Designs